Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009




Skimming for point of view
Exercise 1
1. Against
2. For
3. For
4. For
5. For
6. For
7. Against
8. For
Exercise 2
1. Against
2. Against
3. For
4. For
5. Against
6. For
7. Against
8. For

Skimming for pattern of organization
Exercise 1
1. Comparison
2. Comparison
3. Listing
4. Cause-Effect
5. Comparison
6. Comparison
7. Listing
8. Comparison

Exercise 2
1. Time-order
2. Time-order
3. Comparison
4. Cause-effect
5. Comparison
6. Listing
7. Cause-effect

Exercise 1
1. 6 features
2. Trouble with let skis
3. 2
4. 6
5. 17
6. Departments 23
7. Yes his name is john h mitchel
8. Features 3
9. Watcher at the ponds
10. Features 6
>What is tittle of the article by sally kuhn

Exercise 2
1. 132
2. 53
3. 12,28,29
4. 63
5. 75,76,131,135,148,152,156
6. 9,14,53
7. 118
8. 127,128,132
9. 139
10. 66
>State fright

Exercise 3
1. 7 A.M
2. 2 P.M
3. No
4. June-september
5. February,april,october
6. $39
7. $93
8. 4:26
9. 5 hours 20 minutes
10. No
>How much one way trip for children?

Exercise 4
1. Two
2. The cheapest price is $160
3. Call sussan
4. Brighton near transportation
5. Yes i can have a car
6. 854-9876
7. I wan’t to find it in bookline,concord&brighton
8. 598-8440
9. It is in concord town
10. It is in Dorchester
11. $550
12. $525
>which the best apartement,if i choose sport facilities
>what is the facility of apartement in shepard.st

1. Simple
2. Simple
3. Complex
4. Simple
5. Simple
6. Complex
7. Complex
8. Simple
9. Complex
10. Complex

1. Complex
2. Complex
3. Simple
4. Complex
5. Simple
6. Compound Sentence
7. Complex
8. Compound Sentence
9. Compound Sentence
10. Complex
11. Complex
12. Simple
13. Simple
14. Complex
15. Complex

1. They must spend money
2. Revenues from sales
3. The ones who keep track of how money is flowing
4. People who make decision about available funds
5. Closely related to accounting
6. Collect and present financial data
7. Financial statements
8. Analyze financial data
9. Coordinate information from such areas as marketing&production
10. The accounting department
11. Financial planning
12. Way to control expense&actual performance to the forecast
13. To control expense&compare
14. Cash budgets

Exercise 1
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. B

Exercise 2
1. B
2. D
3. F
4. K
5. H
6. L
7. E
8. O
9. G
10. N
11. J
12. I
13. M
14. C
15. A

Exercise 3
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. F
5. F
6. F
7. T
8. F

Exercise 4
1. Equip
2. Related
3. State
4. Preparation
5. Coordinate
6. Information
7. Develop
8. Estimation
9. Combine
10. Consideration
Exercise 5
1. Consideration
2. Last
3. Primary
4. Acquire
5. Capital
6. Utilities
7. Repaid
8. Expect
Improve your reading skill
Exercise 1
1. Needs
2. Watches
3. Has
4. Looks
5. Uses
6. Was
7. Seems
8. Knows
9. Is
10. Causes
Exercise 2
1. A
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. B
10. B
1. Are
2. Was
3. Is
4. Has
5. Are
6. Have
7. Were
8. Was,has
9. Plays,vibrate
10. Does
11. Has
12. Makes,writes

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